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(1 edit)

Hi Michael! I finally managed to finish the game yesterday. Here's my thoughts.

I think this is, for now, my favorite of your games. It needs tons of polish, that's for sure, but it was made for a game jam/contest, and you had limited time to work on it, so I understand that you had to focus on the game mechanics instead of details and graphics.

I really liked the overall idea of the game: the mechanics are simple but every boss has its specific behaviour and you have to change your strategy every fight. This helps to maintain the game fresh and fun.

However there are some problems here and there: first of all, the commands aren't very clear so I couldn't understand my skills at first sight. Second, enemies can be a little unpredictable and they can destroy your strategy in a blink of an eye.

The aesthetics and graphic design in general needs to be improved too. I like the retrò style, but the visual design is unclear and the color might be too much vibrant and sometimes it gets hard to watch the screen.

Dialogues and texts in general are confusing and the game needs some kind of proof reading and fixing.

The music is cool. I liked most of the tracks used in the game.

This game is a raw gem: take your time to think and work on it! You'll make a great game!

(I'll post this as a review too, if you don't mind)


I played your game last night on stream as you are already aware. However, as a courtesy to all the featured game devs, I always include a written review since sometimes my thoughts may not flow very well when live (not to mention the alcohol involved while live may impair the clarity of my words.)

Overall, for a game jam game, this is a really great game! Your commitment to CGA-styled graphics is really impressive. Mechanically speaking, it is functional. The game would benefit from having an in-game tutorial to explain how combat should flow, rather than relying on the store page's description.  I think another real shame with this game is that there is no purpose for exploration, especially when the game is supposed to be a "labyrinth", it's a shame that events and upgrades are scripted and must be completed in the specified order. I think it would benefit the game a lot if you encouraged exploration, which would help break up the monotony of doing fight after fight, while also being consistent with the game's core premise: a labyrinth.

There is potential here. For a game jam game, this is good. For a full game, it has a long ways to go. I look forward to seeing what you do in the future.

If you'd like to watch my experience with your game, I've linked the archive below. You can click the timestamps to jump to when I start playing your game.

Great game! A little linear, but challenging. Good story, immersive, and well put together. Awesome boss music, too. With skill it's about an hour long.